
Accreditation signifies that the school:
has an excellent educational program appropriate to its mission as an Anglican school,
has resources, programs, and services sufficient to accomplish and sustain that mission and,
maintains clearly specified objectives that are consistent with its mission, and that indicate whether it is successful in achieving its stated objectives.
Accreditation by The Anglican School Association is solely for its own objectives, and by its own internal academic, religious, and organizational standards. In no way does it state or imply conformity to any national, state, or local government standard or accrediting agency.

Anglican Culture, Religion, and Worship

formation & piety
In an Anglican school, students and faculty are constantly being shaped, learning and imbibing moral virtues and the subject matter through imitation and habit, on the basis of daily worship, based on the traditional Books of Common Prayer (1662 & 1928).
parish life
Education is most effective when it is closely engaged with the life of the local parish, and an integral component and extension of a wholesome and devout family life, that is actively engaged in the community of an Anglican parish.
ASA schools maintain reverence for normative Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. A Biblical curriculum teaches what is true, the Ten Commandments what is good, and a unified yearning for the divine what is beautiful.

Educational Program

curriculum & textbooks
The curriculum is informed by the Christian faith, and consistent with the Anglican tradition. It should be aligned with relevant and rigorous standards of excellence, and implement demonstrated sound practices of education in both pedagogy and ideology.
scope & sequence
student records
The school should document and assess educational achievement in verifiable and consistent ways, while having a defined policy and procedure for maintenance and storage of student files. Records should contain medical history, emergency information, school transcripts, test scores, college acceptances, and scholarship awards.

Professional Faculty & Staff

faculty competence
The school’s administration, faculty, and staff are baptized Christians, living and practicing the Faith consistently. ASA Faculty members are capable and qualified for the mission of the institution, as measured by earned degrees, demonstrated competence, effectiveness, capacity, work experience, license or certifications, and relevant honors or awards.
professional development
The faculty of the school are involved in various levels of professional development, including in-service training, conferences, and education workshops, to remain sharp and attuned to their callings and to the needs of their schools and students.


by laws
ecclesial oversight
If they are not the vestry itself, an ASA school’s board of trustees are accountable to the parish vestry (or the diocesan trustees), chiefly in matters of financial stability, fidelity to mission, and enforcement of bylaws.
The Head of School (rector or bishop) oversees the character and culture of the school, to ensure its continuing faithful service to the mission of the church.